Friday, September 18, 2009

I F ....

This plate was given to me by ASH. The plate seems common enough perhaps, but, heck , read the poem !

Mind you , this is NOT for you young 'uns who are just joining the job market but perhaps for jony and me ! heheheeheh.

Two words to be explained here in order to 'appreciate' (?) the poem., 'sod off' and 'knuckered'...So according to :-

1) sod off (British slang)

       ---   to damn :  Sod the bloody bastard.

      ---  sod off . to leave ( usually as an imperative) : Why don't you sod off !

2) knackered (British slang )
–adjective Briish Slang. 
---  exhausted, very tired .:  He is really knackered after work. 


anak si-hamid said...

Tsk tsk tsk - you should not give the youngsters such subversive ideas. They should think it out for themselves. Can't remember when I gave it to you - good to see it's still relevant today.

JonyBr said...

....just bleeding knackered...

imsunnysideup said...

This thing comes naturally to most of us (includes the youngsters ) hehehe

Yup---you're getting it. Like that walk in Rock Camp. I'm sure you never had the opportunity to feel like that in the office ? heheheheh

JonyBr said...

Sheeeshhh.... we r not suppose to talk about our adventures during office hours in public ;)

imsunnysideup said...

well....I'd have to check that with the adventure coordinator....but I'm afraid of a looming face in my face ! hahahahahaahahah ...ooppsss