hmmmm decision, decision, decision...RM,RM,RM....
pickled herring- I've taken the liberty of reproducing your photo here ! This is a mavellous photo. Look at the depth of field which brings the subject to the front---brilliant !
When I was in the Teachers' Training College in Singapore, my main subject was audio-visual-aids, and Photography was my speciality. . That period I was introduced to the wonder-world of serious photography.
Through the course , we had to dabble with various types of camers. From the standard Canon , Minolta, Exakta (SLR) , Asahi Pentax, Sea Gull (China's first SLR) and the tough , rugged German SLR, Praktika Nova, Single-lense refles, twin-lense reflex and studio cameras like Hassleblad and others
As for lenses, Tamron and Sigma were used for tele of up to 200mm.
Three hours a week, we had to spend in the dark room , processing negatives (remember those ?, before digital comes in ..), developing them, printing photos, enlarging them, mixing developing chemicals, content with 'depths of fields ' for every shot, colour filters and its effects, pick, choose and select the types of print paper ( from bromide type to others), play around with the ASA settings, tried time-lapse photography and doing various techniques like 'visage' and so onin the dark room---can't remember them anymore.
We had to do macro photography, composition and also enter various photography competition. Oh---by the way, I didn't win any... *shrugging my shoulder*
I even started my own dark-room at home and my bed-room used to smell of 'fixers' , the final wash which is also the most stinky of all the chemicals --- much to late brother's chagrin.
Anyway, through the ages, other interests took over photography . But lately, a friend from Singapore started her photoblog and the beauty of photograpy ( especially digital which is so much cheaper) , has so inspired me and got me thinking again.
Should I pick photography up again ?
Quick Update 1
Feraris are something we mortals only dream of. At that time my Feraris were the Nikons (Nikonmats, Nikon Fs) and Leicas.
u can start as an hobby again.. hehe
eh.. i didn't no u a photographer..
I guess I'm a man of all seasons.
I mean 'man for all seasons' - me think !
izit same with MAN OF THE MATCH sir??
That camera have a quality view compare than any other digital camera...u will have the best snap ever no matter in what position:)
owesome header !!!!
hey--are you into photography as well !
Thanks mate ! Really thinking seriously of starting photography again !
Urm...not that good but i'm learn from one of my frend...mention each function of that type of camera hehe.
Well well well---we'll compare notes ya ! I am thinking of getting a digital slr--
i also start learning using my bos DSLR.. abit old.. 0nly 8mp.. but still a good flatform to learn.. about taking picture..
just... go for it sir.. DSLR... yeah..
Go for it Sunnysideup !!
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