Friday, December 25, 2009

Mus the red-nosed moose !!

Yup---that's how I feel. What with the runny nose, the sneezing, the sniffing and the nose-blowing and rubbing ! The bloody nose is red half the time I'm awake !!!(hmmmm--that rhymes !) Couldn't lie down because each time I do, my nose got blocked and its not easy getting to sleep in a sitting position ! Now the coughing starts !! Oh well...........and a-sniffing and a-blowing and a-sneezing and a-rubbing each time I sneezed or coughed , I felt like antlers (or even horns ) growing out of my head !!!


Helas木村 said...

get well soon sir... ow ya need help just mssge me k.. i mean to transfer ur stuff in ur office to new place

imsunnysideup said...

Thanks helas. I knew I can always rely on you. I'll get back to you later ya !

Lee said...

Ouch!...that's really bad. Snizzing, coughing all in one. Still remember? I suffered for more than 3 months last time during the H1N1 flu...sometimes your mind and mood also can ease the flu. Hopefully you get well soon yah sir. It's an opportunity for you to relax and have a good rest during this holiday. So enjoy it:)

imsunnysideup said...

Thanks leas ! Things were looking fine until the bug hits me. Ya ! I remember how stubborn you get when it comes to taking medication ! I hope mine won't beat or equal tour record ! Other than that ...I am relaxed that I have not finished my marking !aaaarrrrggggghhhh ! Wanna help ? heheheheeh