Yes ! 2nd May 2008 was the first day I started blogging at tweaker.
ONE YEAR it has been ! So I'm re-posting my first posting again.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Now why did I do this.?
Ok ! My first . I can't believe it ---I actually want to sit and write something. So I got over the first blockage to start this blog-site.The next would be what to write about. OK what about a sort of diary , a kind of a-day-in-the-life sort of thing. For starters --why not .
So--today is the last day of the final examination. Everybody's looking forward to it. But early in the morning --about sevenish, I received an sms from one of my best students, ( if not the best,) informing me that she had to go back to her hometown because her son had been admitted to the hospital.
Its like being struck by lightning !
Of course between taking and finishing the exam OR going back to the hometown to be with a sick son, the choice of decision is easy. After all nothing but nothing is more important than your child's well being.
And yet--I do not envy her. The serious student that she is, I can imagine ( or maybe I cannot imagine ) what must be going through her mind. The countless hours spent on preparing for this paper ! And now this ! Anyway knowing her --this would probably be the last thing on her mind.
Such display of courage. Such display of strength ! Such display of determination! I can't say what she is feeling exactly , but I can tell what its like to be a student when your child is many many miles away from you. You'd have much more to face than your fellow students. The hollow emptiness inside you as you miss your child before you go to bed...The horrible feeling when you see kids of about the same age as your child.s. Even talking on the phone hurts - when it was supposed to give you relief. The pain -- and yet it had to be done.
So , to this student of mine, if you are reading this, may everything be fine for your family and I know all your sacrisfices will be worthwhile for you and your kids. So hang in there - I know you can do it, and more....
# posted by sunnyside up @ 2:48 PM 1 Comments
Anonymous said...
Congratulations on your first step ! Don't worry about what to write - just follow your instinct.
I too wsh the best for your student.
May 3, 2008 9:03 PM
.....and one of my favourites....'Petite Fleur" or Little Flower.
congrats sir.. don't u wanna prepared a party or someting.. hhehehe if so can't wait to be there.. hehe Makan free lo .. wat else..heheh
Happy 1st Blogvesary Sir ;)
Nice word---even i didn't think of it ! well done !
virtual food ok ?
Happy Blogvesary as Angels puts it :)
thanks sir hehe
a virtual part would be cool too
ok --1 virtual treat coming !
Thanks bro ! When is yours ?
Congrat Sir...
If we gonna get an A in English for this..huhuhuhu :) just jokes sir...
P/S : Keep on blogging sir..have a nice day..
Thanks ! I'll keep on blogging with or without readers---but of course it feels good to have readers ..
'A" for blogging ---YES !
Angel, u welcome. U know some ppl do write posts about "blogging word of the day" maybe u can join them :p
Sunny, in January I completed my 4 years of official blogging ;)
PS: and if u remember i was one of those ppl who pushed u for blogging ;) :p
That I do bro ! Hail bloggers !!
hahahahaha... so thats mean ive been following both of you blog.. the tweaker2 n this sunnysideup about almost 1 year.. hehehehehe.... gosh..... the first post is about my previous class if not mistaken.. hehehe.. well same goes for me
happy Blogvesary too... hehehehehe
Happy Blogvesary Sir as Angel and Mr jonybr puts it...;D
dyon--thanks for the wish !
NOT almost but exactly ONE year ! Remember that Friday afternoon when I caught you in the class and you asked me how to start a blog ?
After one hour or so, your blog was born !
Yes, it was about your class and that student was Zaharah. I remember driving to Pudu that morning before going to the office to send her off . She, like you, was and still is one of those students from your batch who is loyal,reliable and true.
JonyBr, I've found that word in livejournal and I use that before blogspot
ya i remember... i start that Friday... than followed by my classmate... hehehe... it take long time for me to configure... choose the suitable template n think the name of my blog.. at last i did it haha.. Thanks for the guidance..
About Kak Zaza(zsharah)i do sympathy about her.. have to be a student and a mother for 2 children.. 2 responsibility in a time plus as our class rep also .... lucky now kak Zaza already On job trainig... soon we are goin to complete our mission in cosmo... well old story become history now... that is our memory together in class 14-15... as you say "loyalty is the best ingredients" heheh ..
keep on blogging sir...
BTW Angel, can u check ur theme or options? I can post comments on ur blog.
Yes-she is one helluva student and mom.
Now I can reveal certain events, since, as you say , they are all history.
I was actually asked by two of your class-mate who dared to question Zaharah'scredibility as an able student.It was a lunch outing with two of them, (a male and female), and the way they were questioning, they were on the verge of insisting on an answer which I refesed to give as to me , they have no bloody right to ask in the first place.
They even have the cheek and gall to clearly insinuate that evrerytime there was an exam, Zaharah would find excuses to miss the exam. They even insinuated that the accident she had with her family was a lie and excuse to miss the escape the exam. At that moment I shook my head in sorrow and agree that students CAN be cruel to each other.
I was shocked to hear all this and in fact I could have been nasty to those two had they not been my students.
It could be envy, jealousy or just plain evil in them as there are many other private personal queries which they made. To me they just don't have the self-respect and dignity to respect others.
I am glad that she is now happily settled in her job near her family.
I wonder if those two will, if ever, find peace .
Yeah! Sir, Happy Blogvesary as founder, Angle said.
Hooray! Keep on blogging sir.. ;D
U r our adviser in blogging, especially for me da new blogger..
Hooray! & Hooyea! Sir said dat 'A' for blogging-YES! thank u Azhar dat reminded Sir. Hehe ;)
Ops! terlbh sudah...
Thank you my dear ! Its a joy to see you guys blogging.....the more the merrier !
ahaaa.. im late!!
"happy belated blogvesary"
seems this word going to be add in dictionary soon =D i always enjoyed reading n in the same time commenting yr blog sir..keep on blogging!!
ah iriss---better late than never !
Thanks iriss - makes it all so worthwhile !
Likewise I always look forward to your posting and your subtle humour !
its good when ur blog can be shared among frenz.. i used to have blog since my dip.. but then i am just invisible it... cause i put all my feeling into that.. so its kind of a bit shy.. when ppl read about ur staff... b
ut when u tell us tat u do have a blog on our Englis first class..after check it then i tend to realize that.. its someting gud to share ur tought and feeling with ppl around u.. they can give full support towards wat u did..
And They can give u an advice.. n such a wonderful ting..
Hail Bloggers.. and again sir..
Happy Blogvesary ...
p/s i dont really no when exactly i did my blog.. hehehe
ye she is . . Every semester stil score in subject that taken...
And at that time also lots n lots of gossip come around about Kak Zaza... for me if not seen by both of my eyes.. still dunt want to believe the "khabar Angin"..
Actually The couple is EX-classmate already. and i really know both of them.. Want complain about exam.. at last The girl captured cheating in exam.. HUHUHu.... so embarrassing coz each sem score high in exam.. at last kantoi... its not "khabar angin" coz i saw it in front of my eyes... hehe
me too happy all in OnjobTraining already, but hope we can gather together again one day.. will arrange that time.. heheh
you see --you're more experienced than me. I'm actually a newbie. But I'm glad you continued. Its a place where we can express ourselves !
YES !! HAIL BLOGGERS ! - especially bloggers of this community !
Right helas !
I really sympathize with zaharah !
Thesetwo even insinuated that she got A in her English because I showed favouritism which is tupid of them. I mean her spoken and written English is miles ahead of these two. Its just plain envy. I asked those two, what about all the other subjects where she also scored A ? Favouritism from ALL the lecturers ?.
Man !! They have a lot to answer for their 'buruk sangka'!
Oh well ---life is always fair --and we all shall reap what we harvest !
Anyway --history they may be --but sometimes its difficult to forget such things.
JonyBr, I've fixed it and don't forget to comment on my blog
aqYGxDanggap my name is Angel not Angle and first typo is forgiven :p
i remember the first tym u want to call me u quite blur rite ahahahaha.... at last u call me helas... i was very "terkejut" u know.. hahahahaa..... well that the beautiful of blogging hahaha
i learn new word today "favouritism" yeah... when this couple didn't get what their want , huh sure "buruk sangka" will come out.. never thankful for what they get..
Oooww yes life is always fair..history will always be Memory that always be remind...it's hard to forget it...
who Angel anyway??
Oh---the one with the halo and the white wings ....heheheh
Hey oOo, seen new funny dave allen lately ?
Angel is a girl that was very2 rugi.. coz didnt join the Wood camp... OOOOOPPPPPs...... correct me if im wrong hahahahah
hahahahah helas ....she is going to chase you all round pv6 now !
heheheh i'm very invisible here at PV6.. no body know helas here.. heheheheheh.. save zone.....
right angel... if angel stay at Pv10, sure have to move to Kepong.. i heard a rumor about it... heheheh
but i was looking at angel from a different angle :\ :p
Okay let me go and try to comment
....and what angle may that be ?...tch tch tch tch ...
A belated Happy "Gobloking" !!
me the angel the saint one ;) what angle duh tsk tsk tsk
Gobloking sounds like goblok though haha
oh..i'm sorry sir..its late but still wish u a..
"happy belated blogvesary"
just like angel say..hehehhee
i just topup my net..so always i'm the chipsmore...;p
oh..i'm sorry sir..its late but still wish u a..
"happy belated blogvesary"
just like angel say..hehehhee
i just topup my net..so always i'm the chipsmore...;p
Thx. No problem---better late than never !
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