Wednesday, May 20, 2009

hello world ! I'm back ! yahoooooo!

I'm finally back in circulation ! Lets start with this.....

Lunchtime is Lunchtime

The office phone rings, one of the employees picks up and says:
"What kind of an idiot is it that dares to phone me in the middle of my lunch break?!?"

The caller shouts back:
"Do you have any idea whom you are talking to...? I am the CEO of this company!"

The employee replies:
"Do you have any idea whom YOU are talking to?"

Perplexed the CEO mumbles: "NO!!!"
The employee heaves a sigh of relieve and say: "Thank goodness for that!!" and hangs up


Helas木村 said...

Welcome..... ah ah ah ah...

:.AtiqaMusa.: said...

unexpected caller...
i wonder if the CEO still searching whos pick up the phone...

sicKo^ said...

brilliant employee..

Azhar85 said...

hahaha..this is the best jokes..

P/S : This employee is joking right..hahaha..