Thursday, September 10, 2009

End of Exams !

So, the exams over ! This is the first time that the exam schedule has taken this format, mainly, all programmes having a common exam week and there are three sessions per day. Of course there is no such thing as perfection , but I feel at least there is some sort of standardization this time around.  The only snag is perhaps the change over of the sessions shound have some time allowance instead of starting immediately.

In term of the 'cultural' thingy, there is vast improvement. Perhaps the fact that now rooms without computers are being used as examination rooms unlike previously where the computers gave that false security and examinees were tempted to copy.

This time around, I know that there were at least two cases of copying. But at least this time they were "honest" (?) enough to admit their guilt and not fight a silly battle defending a dead cause by starting another problem to cover theirs- an old worn-out simplistic political 'strategy'.! A cheap dead horse that have been used over and over again as history has shown us.

At least things are looking up - a bit.......


Helas木村 said...

during fasting month still got mcheater?? wow.. so brave.. bydaway..everybody are in the mood of "Balik kampung" already today....hehe

Azhar85 said...


Cheater doesn't care what time, what day or what year to cheat..huhuhu :)

sicKo^ said...

yeah. xm is over 4 me too.. but still have some assignment to submit though..

Anonymous said...

BALIK KAMPUNG....O2 Balik Kampung...slmt hari rya SIR...

imsunnysideup said...

and to you too Mr Aztech ! Have a good raya !

Is that why you were where you were just now---trying to strike a deal wth your lecturer ? heheheheh Good luck mate !

Angel said...

now it's really feel Merdeka lol