Saturday, July 11, 2009

A mystery call !

Earlier, I received a mysterious call from someone who refused to give the name. It was a female and the call comes from a public phone. The person spoke in Malay.

Basically, the person asked me what I wanted when I gave the letter to the class. I told her in one word - 'keadilan' / justice. Again the person what do I want in order to solve this problem.

I told her I want a written letter apologizing and acknowledging the content of my reply to their letter, and also my prerogative to make it accessible to public viewing. She asked me who should do it and I replied all those who signed the letter and it can be sent as individual.

Then the person hung up.


Helas木村 said...

never answer strange phone call.. :D

emm.. sounds like . . .. from the same group that write a letter about you..

Aying said...

definitely from the same group....maybe they all already feel the heat....nice try thought coz calling from public phone..

i think justice will be reveal at last....

imsunnysideup said...

I wish I could recognize the voice and I wish I had recorded it..

sicKo^ said...

izit getting really hot in here or izit just me?

imsunnysideup said...

It ain't you, it ain't me, it ain't any members of this community, but i know it is real hot hot hot for some !!