Thursday, July 2, 2009


The date had to be changed a few times . 1st. August is not possible because a company has booked 34 lanes . So it was Friday, 31st, July in the evening. But this proved to be expensive ! So finally it is now Friday, 31st. July at 10.30 am. (Thanks to our Programme Manager for being sporting ).

So for that day it will be considered as a Sports Activity Day for us. So remember the new date.

Friday 31st. July 2009, 10.30 am.

( helas --I'm sorry.I've tried my best. You might have to apply for leave . I really hope you would....)


Helas木村 said...

dushhhh........... DIE!!!

. said...

WAAA... THOUGHT WANNA JOIN! haiyoooo! what a waste.

Helas木村 said...


Prepare mc oredy ka??

imsunnysideup said...

I am terribly sorry . I tried my very best, This morning when I met the officer at the Bowling Alley, she told me that a company has booked 34 lanes on 1/8/09.

I tried Friday night but the rates are different. I went back to College and found that its was just too too expensive.
That leaves little choice. Even then The Bowling Alley could only give us 14 lanes !

Can't you apply for leave ? Same with you too hase. Would be really nice if you could join in. Bring the old gang as well 1

Alexander said...

bowling 1
bowling 2
bowling 3
the countdown..

Helas木村 said...

emmm i'll try first... hope on that day.. no big even like hv to go somewhere... i only can confirm this few weeks.. huhu~~ thanks 4 the info.. hope got miracle that day..