Saturday, June 20, 2009

5 The biggest 'toyol' ever ! -- Part 2.

A development prompted me to write this post. Apparently my first posting on the above topic provoked a reaction from a student through an sms sent to me. But that has been clarified after my call to the person , who incidently is NOT the person who was caught with the incriminating paper.

But that action of sending the sms is NOT the basis for this part 2, BUT, the misconception, and delusion of the circumstances in which an examinee might be charged for cheating is the issue.

Understandbly, when one is caught, one would would do or say anything to defend oneself. And here is where logic has been ignored. 

Let me talk about common standard practice and procedure which is endorsed in the KLMU Examination Regulation.

1. 10 minutes before an examination is due to start, student are required to put away all forms of notes, papers with scribblings which may be interpreted as information useful in the exam and ALL text books whether related or not related to the subject of the examination.

2. Once answer-scripts have been distributed, the examination is DEEMED to have started !--and thus you are expected to put away ALL notes. "Over-looking a piece of paper is not ACCEPTABLE!" It can't be THAT difficult to put away everything !

3.  You are considered to have cheated or the intention to cheat  if you are caught having notes on a piece of exam answer sheet brought in before the exam.

4. Once the exam has started as per no. 2, if you are caught with even a bus-ticket size paper with notes written on it on your person, on the table or in your pencil case, under the keyboard , you are regarded as having CHEATED in the exam.

5. Phones are required to be switched off. Some institution require the students to keep their handphone on the invigilators' table.

The above are just some of the situstion students should and probably aware of anyway as students of this programme are all post-diploma and degree students. Below are situation of 'cheating' caught so far :

1. pieces of paper of various sizes with notes

2. Students caught  referring to notes in the toilet

3. Notes found in the toilet

4. Students caught sending/receiveing information through the hand-phones

5. students caught with notes written on the table

6. Student caught cheating when invigilator switched on the monitor and found all the information ready typed .

7.two students caught with identical answers AND ALSO identical mistakes which is so very unlikely unless some strange thing happened .

Now to finish off, there is a saying that says 'a thief is not a thief until he/she is caught'.  The temptation might be very strong, but think of the repercussion, implication and side-effect. Its not worth the risk .

Really , once you are caught 'red-handed', don't make it any worse for youself by trying to give excuses or riduculous reasons. It is better to throw yourself to the mercy of the the Management because there is no way that you can prove yourself right.

You have gambled and lost.The very intention of wanting to cheat--is already wrong from any aspect --be it  legal and/or moral !

I renmember an exam where a female student put up her hand as if to ask me a question. When I reached her place, she held the question paper and pointing at something as if she didn't understand somethin. But she was pointing at what she had written, ie. " Sir, ******* has been copying. She has a piece of paper under the keyboard . "  I waited for sometime so that it would not be so obvious, then checked the person's  keyboard and true enough !

Having said all the above , I know there are also many honest, hard-working, respectable students (thank God!)  who gave their blood , sweat and tears to achieve their dream the honest way !  To these people -- I salute you 


sicKo^ said...

whoa.. student kantoikan student.. that's rare.
Yes, cheating in exams is morally & legally wrong. Whoever dare to take the chances, he or she should be prepare for their consequences.
But, on the other hand, I think cheating is only when u get caught, otherwise, it is called referring.. hehe

imsunnysideup said...


To be honest witgh you, that class is very much your senior. In fact, that cheater's class-mates were fed-up . Because whilst they were struggling to maintain a high grade , this cheater was scoring away and feeling proud in the class. Its no wonder that they put a stop to her ill-gotten 'high grade'

Heres anothercase of information received from class-mates. But I will put it in my updates of this post.