Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another one will bite the dust !

I was at the Jusco Setiawangsa. While driving to the car-park, stopped at the machine to collect the parking ticket, looked and waited for the bar to be raised and LO ! What do I see !

A sign on the bar says " FATHERS' DAY - 21st. JUNE " (or was it July ---but it doesn't matter anyway .

It takes me back to my posting here and here . There is no let-up on the attack on the consumers to part with their money . And heck ! the date is June or July !!!!!

Like I've said before they commercialise everything and anything- just so we spend in their store ! I still say --fathers' day could have been on the birthdays--that is the only day that qualifies !

No, I'm not a scrouge---but I hate to be used and taken in !


Helas木村 said...

may i add something sir...

and also the day where the first child born...

or first child birthday... where... husband will officially become a father and wife become a mother....

almost like a birthday for a father and mother... both together..

aMeLia said...

Hhaaa...sir, i think u should be know about mom's n dad's day, both together and will it contiguous date. So...wait for the dad's day and you will have a special gift from your child.

Richard Cesc said...

LOL., i know about Father's Day just now.. ^^v

See This.,'s_Day

imsunnysideup said...


Thank you for the link. It only confirms my suspicion on the
commercialization plot !!!!

Richard Cesc said...

you're welcome sir., ^^v